Sustainable Development, Poverty, and Inequality
Climate change and poverty are seen as the two big challenges to humankind this century. The interlinkages between these two problems are underappreciated and understudied. Large parts of the global population still live at desperate poverty levels....
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Culture, Communities, and Well-being
Climate change is potentially changing our way of life: how we travel, what we eat, and how we interact and perceive the environment and our wellbeing. These perceptions and actions are mediated by the cultural filters of different segments of society....
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Adaptation, Mitigation, Risks, and Vulnerability
The impacts of climate change are unevenly distributed across various parts of the world. These impacts include changes in precipitation, draughts, weather, sea levels, and ocean acidification....
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Managing Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services
The capacity of ecosystems to deliver essential services to society is already under stress. We have seen many species go extinct, regime shifts, tipping points and loss of ecosystem services in the recent past....
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Sustainable Consumption and Production
Sustainable consumption and production promotes a better quality of life for all through resource efficiency, effective infrastructure, access to basic services and green jobs and fair pay....
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